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I’m confused and have no other way to contact you- I just paid for what was supposed to include all the resources and my main goal is learning Python. Turns out despite being advertised in the photo, it’s apparently $30 more after I just paid almost $200. I knew I’d get some JavaScript too, but I got no Python and a free rust resource instead.

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Machine Minds AICreator

Thanks for reaching out, and for fast communication, you may reply to any email we send. I'll see it on my phone notifications then reply from my personal email. I apologize the python missing! It is certainly included. Can you confirm you bought the main product or a upsell from a freebie so I can check it out further + fix πŸ™. Sometimes a PDF goes missing. In the meantime, check your main Prompt Engineering resource, at the bottom it should link the latest python resources. Under Included Resources, I just double-checked and the link is there. That should give you what you seek. Thanks so much for your support, and I've got a lot planned for python including another advanced pack this week. I've realized Python is perhaps the most valuable language to focus on in this field, and with great tools for ML / LLMs. I also added a Google Colab quick-start section to the introduction this past week, for beginners to python.

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You deserve an apology 🀷 And these GPTs. 😎

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